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2016 Limited Edition Chinese Lunar New Year Collection

The Lunar New Year is the biggest, most important, and most spectacular celebration in the Chinese calendar. An ancient tradition that is observed around the world from Shanghai to San Francisco and from Beijing to New York it is filled with festivities, fireworks, and feasts. Each year is marked by one of 12 animals, each of which symbolizes traits in people born in that year. Now, for the first time, the Chinese Lunar New Year comes to life in a dazzling new collection. All 12 Lunar New Year animals are displayed in full color on stunning gold-layered silver Medallions.

Each Limited Edition Medallion is Minted to the Highest Quality in One Ounce of.999 Fine Silver and Layered in 24-Karat Gold & Brilliant Color This is the only collection of its kind in the world. The 12 historic Medallions are created by world-renowned artists and are struck to perfection using time-honored minting skills. To assure the highest quality and future collector value, only 2,500 complete sets will be struck. You must subscribe now, before they disappear forever!



Price Rs: 10000


Price Rs: 120000


Year of the Rabbit

Upon ordering your Collection, you will receive one Lunar Medallion each month, beginning with the stunning Year of the Rabbit. Each Medallion is accompanied by a specially designed, four-color card offering characteristics of individuals born in that particular Lunar Year, as found below regarding people born in the Year the of Rabbit.

The main traits of people born in the Year of the Rabbit are good fortune and luck, especially in love and business. They are also creative, compassionate, loving, sensitive, and take pleasure in the arts. Rabbit people are renowned for being friendly and enjoying the company of other people.

Admired for their calmness and serenity, rabbit people tend to avoid conflict and risks. As a result, they remain peaceful and composed even in stressful situations, and they are often able to solve complex problems while remaining unruffled by their surroundings. Due to other notable traits such as good manners, neatness, and good organizational skills, they are often successful in business and make their homes comforting and inviting for their many friends and family members.

Fourth in the Chinese Zodiac

Years: 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

Most Compatible With: Sheep, Dog, and Pig

Least Compatible With: Rooster and Dragon

Element: Wood

Yin/Yang: Yin

Direction: East

Good Career Choices: Diplomat, politician, writer, actor, therapist, doctor, and teacher


Price Rs: 10000


Price Rs: 120000

The Lunar New Year Collection


The Lunar New Year Collection is a 12-piece limited edition precious metal set. Each month, subscribers will receive one of The Lunar New Year animals displayed in full color on a stunning gold-layered silver Medallion. In addition, a fact card highlighting features about people born in that year will be sent with each Medallion.

Each month, you will receive one Medallion representing another animal in the series. You will also receive four free gifts periodically throughout your Collection. Your shipments will follow the schedule listed below. Upon finishing your Collection, you will receive a Certificate of Authenticity to add to the gorgeous Wood Collector's Chest you received after month nine.

The Lunar New Year Collection - Schedule of Medallions & Gifts

Month #1 Year of the Rabbit

Month #2 Year of the Ox

With Free Gift #1 - Jeweler's Cloth & Cotton Handling Gloves

Month #3 Year of the Dragon

Month #4 Year of the Snake

With Free Gift #2 - Specially Designed Fact Card Album

Month #5 Year of the Ramv

Month #6 Year of the Monkey

With Free Gift #3 - Sheet of Mint Condition US Lunar Postage Stamps

Month #7 Year of the Horse

Month #8 Year of the Rooster

Month #9 Year of the Dog

With Free Gift #4 - Velvet-lined, lockable Wood Collector's Chest

Month #10 Year of the Boar

Month #11 Year of the Rat

Month #12 Year of the Tiger

With Numbered Official Certificate of Authenticity

Prior to shipping each Medallion, we will charge your credit card $98 for the next Medallion. For check customers, we will send your next shipment after receipt of your payment. To begin your subscription and receive the first Medallion - The Year of the Rabbit - click on the Order Now button below.

Many of our Collectors prefer to receive the entire Collection in one shipment instead of on a monthly basis. If you would like to purchase the entire Collection at once -- complete with all 12 Medallions, your free gifts and your numbered Certificate of Authenticity -- click the button below.


Price Rs: 10000


Price Rs: 120000


The Craft of Minting

Meticulously Crafted by the World's Most Skilled Artisans and Minters

The painstaking process of creating each Chinese Lunar New Year Medallion is even more complex and more demanding than the process by which the most prestigious mints create the world's finest silver and gold coins..

When the craftsmen are satisfied that the steel master die is flawless, only then is it placed into a massive proofing press. Polished .999 fine silver blanks are carefully placed by hand into the press and are struck one-at-a-time to create proof-like silver Medallions.

Each Medallion is then generously layered in 24-karat gold and colorized to the world's highest standards. Finally, each Medallion is protectively lacquered to preserve the proof finish and safeguard the colorized images. The result is a collection of impressive masterpieces that boldly captures the excitement and mystique of the Chinese Lunar New Year!


Price Rs: 10000


Price Rs: 120000

Gifts to Subscribers

Each Limited Edition Chinese Lunar Medallion is Minted to the Highest Proof Quality in One Ounce of .999 Fine Silver and Layered in 24-Karat Gold

As a subscriber to the Chinese Lunar New Year Collection, you will also receive several gifts at no additional charge. The elegant wood Collector' Chest, jeweler' cloth, and cotton gloves will be sent in the early stages of your collection. In addition, a fact card will accompany each Chinese Lunar New Year Medallion and can be safely stored in the specially designed Album. The officially numbered Certificate of Authenticity will be sent once your collection is complete.


Jeweler' Cloth and Gloves

Formulated to numismatic standards, the cloth and gloves are the ideal way to safely enjoy your collection of Chinese Lunar New Year Medallions.


Lacquered Wood Collector' Chest

This magnificent velvet-lined, lockable Collector' Chest is designed to house and protect your collection for many years of enjoyment.


Fact Cards and AlbumGloves

Each Chinese Lunar New Year Medallion is accompanied by a fascinating and educational Fact Card with details about the featured sign. The Fact Card Album is custom-made to store these cards for future reference..


Certificate of Authenticity

Officially numbered and registered, confirming the strict edition limit and the precious metal purity of each Chinese Lunar New Year Medallion.

Free Gift

Official United States Postal Service Lunar New Year Stamp Set



Price Rs: 10000


Price Rs: 120000


Chinese Lunar New Year Subscription Program

A Worldclass Collection

How To Order

The Lunar New Year Collection is being issued as a strictly limited edition of only 2,500 complete collections worldwide. It is not available in any store, but only by subscription through this special offer. Once the edition limit is reached, the dies will be defaced so they can never be used again.

You will receive the 12 Lunar medallions at the convenient and affordable rate of one per month, starting 30 days after receipt of your application. Each medallion is priced at just Rs 10,000/-, which includes all delivery charges, insurance, and accompanying items. This price is guaranteed for the duration of your collection, no matter how rare or sought-after it may become.

If you wish to return any item in this collection, you may do so within 30 days of receipt of that item for a refund, credit, or replacement. You may also cancel your subscription at any time.


Price Rs: 10000


Price Rs: 120000